Thursday, November 5, 2009

Talk Talk Talk...Blah Blah Blah

Been trying to process parenting recently. I have worked with JH/HS students for a long time but have my first JH child. For several years I have been trying to talk to him about life...all aspects of life. Friends, girls, sports, school work, teachers, coaches, pastors, God, hygiene, you name it. Sometimes I get a blank stare...other times I get good questions and dialog. Sometimes it comes weeks later, but as long as it comes, I'm happy.

Is there "one way" to talk to your kids that works for everyone? No way!! But I feel like as long as you have the right motives that you can't talk too much. My motives are to prepare, help process, and sometimes "warn" of potential bad choices. I've tried to teach my kids to learn from others mistakes and ask God for wisdom ahead of time so we avoid the same mistakes.

I've tried to teach them that people act out of hurts...Rick Warren said "hurt people, hurt people..." and we need to be able to teach our kids that. It's out of our own hurts that we hurt others...our fears, insecurity and even our jealousy. So when someone acts out of being hurt and they say something to hurt someone else, we need to be able to not lash back...but understand that they are hurting, pray for them...encourage them.

Every night (at least 99%) Christy and I pray with the boys when they are heading to bed. Most night they each pray and then one of us will pray...sometimes if its too late, i will just pray. One of the things I try to do is always speak blessings into their lives during that time. "God, thanks for letting me be Josh and Jakes dad. God please help my boys to make good choices tomorrow. To be a friend to everyone, a good friend. To be a leader and not a remember that you created them with a special plan and purpose.".... I try to speak these types of things to them as we drive to school in the morning too...I try to talk about all these things not just when they are in trouble...but even better, when they are doing great...Sometimes Josh will say, "dad, I didn't do that..." and I have to say, "oh, I know son, I'm just trying to give you some advice so when the time comes you will know how to handle it..."

Why am i writing this? Because over the last 15+ years of youth ministry, I believe the biggest problem is that parents talk more to their children when they are in trouble than when they aren't. Can I just say won't regret talking with them...loving on them...speaking blessings into their lives...Help your children see that life is great...even when circumstances aren't...

You've read enough of my rambling...

Go talk with your on them...and never stop!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

wherehouse Announcements October 11th

HS Tahoe...

HS Hobbs Grove...

JH Hume Lake Winter Camp...

JH Hobbs Grove...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weddings, Life, bloating and a few other thoughts...

I was involved in a wedding Saturday...Chad and Nikki Rothford...Christy and I were able to get away for the weekend in Pismo and had a blast...the wedding was great...all the family and friends of the wedding couple treated us like they have always known us. It's nice to get to know other NorthPointe familes too.

We enjoyed sleeping in a just being together for a weekend...we always comment when we are without our kids how much we miss them, but realize we need our time alone too...Isn't that a tough balance?

Christy and I met a former wherehouse student in SLO for lunch before she headed for fresno alone...Luke dropped me off in Morrow Bay to meet our pastors here for a vision casting retreat. Luke is a great young man of God...I appreciate his faith. Got to visit the Cal Poly campus and meet one of Luke's roomates. Man, I sure am glad I'm not in college.

Now I'm sitting here in MB waiting on the rest of the team to show up...looking at the ocean, morrow rock, just amazed at how beautiful God's creation really is...I wonder if people would recognize that more if we (as God's people) would live lives that were beautiful in God's sight more...not just going to church...but loving people like Jesus loves...not accepting sin, but loving people through their sin...or maybe I should say, loving people in spite of their sin. Anyway you look at it, it is our job to point people to it begs the question: Where is your life pointing people? To God...away from God...are you growing in your relationship with him? Cause you are either growing or dying...which one is it? Be honest...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If your child has Internet on their phone...

Solving one of life's dilemmas
Keep it safe on-the-go with powerful Internet filtering for the iPhone or iPod touch! Safe Eyes Mobile allows you to decide the type of content that is appropriate for you and your family. Enjoy your mobile Web without the worry!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Thoughts...

I was at a funeral heartbreaking. A 20yr old girl died in a car accident last week. I would guess 1,000 people filled this church (for sure a fire code violation) and heard a message of hope...through music, stories and a really solid message from her old youth pastor. Honestly, what do we have if we have no hope? Ever thought about that? In every funeral I talk at I say "Death causes us to evaluate life"...Guess I'm doing just that...I had thoughts of going to my kids' schools and taking them out early just to be with them...cause as a dad you just don't want to think about losing a child to the same time, they belong to God and it's my job to raise them for whatever they may deal with in I can just hide them from everything...

20yrs, she was born one month before I graduated from High School...her life sounded incredible...I'm sure not without her own issues, but she was in love with Jesus and that just changes thing...Now we ca have hope...Death isn't the end...(freaks me out a bit to say that) but it's only the beginning of a new chapter...

What has my life amounted to in the last 38 years...??? Honestly, am I really doing what I am supposed to be doing? Am I the husband I am supposed to be? The dad that the boys need me to be? The Pastor that I it right? Have I become what God created me to be or have I become what I say I hate most...FAKE?

Have you thought about your life today? What impact are you making...because you are making an impact. Good or bad we are all impacting people...there is no in-between...

Today I witnessed 1,000+ people who were touched by one person...It made me think...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Follow Chap Clark

his web page:

My Fav book: Hurt: inside the world of today's TEENAGERS

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As I sit here typing my dog Zelda is trying to eat a toy bone we bought a few months ago. She tears up most toys in little to no time. But I finally found a seemingly indestructable chew toy.

It's nearly October...fall has's finally not 100 degrees...

I went to the gym tonight and did 35 minutes of cardio..3.5 miles...finally Im doing more than paying for the lights to be on...Im finally gonna get slim again..,I mean there are skinny cows...but they still called cows...right?

It's 8:45pm and I am finally sitting at home on my couch...waiting for Christy to come home....

Im glad Tuesday is finally winding down...